Sunday, June 10, 2018

An Introduction to Metaphysics by Martin Heidegger

Since I've been injured and not been able to do my long-distance running, I've had more time to read.

Heidegger is a philosopher I've long had on my list. I've tried Being and Time a few times, but never got very far as I found it incomprehensible. It's funny how some philosophers immediately speak to you and others don't. Kant is notoriously difficult to read, but I found his Critique of Pure Reason an accessible and compelling read. Not so much Heidegger.

I managed to make it through Introduction to Metaphysics and at least come away with a glimmer of what Heidegger was getting at. Maybe more than a glimmer. At least it was enough that I will continue to pursue and understanding of Heidegger.

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